Sunday, July 31, 2011

I lied! >:)

Yeah, I suck.
But I mean it's Harry Potter's 21st Birthday! It would be disrespectful not to spend all day playing Lego Harry Potter.


double post.

I swear to blog.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Captain Lazy

Being the master of motivation I am, I spent all day playing computer games and not photoshopping. I even had a good Idea I didn't act out on.


tomorrow I will execute my idea and it will be awesome,

But for today I have a 10 second picture:

(Old picture of me set to divide over some bokeh street lights)

Friday, July 29, 2011


I <3 The pen tool.

So I've realized that with my patchy memory I'm never going to remember to post twice so let's just pretend wednesday never happened okay? okay.

Instead I offer up my Behance

it has one project.

no one likes it.

I like to pretend that I'm just ahead of my time and people will like it when I'm dead.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I (heart) NY

I feel stupid
completely forgot to post yesterday so. . .

2 posts today!

that's right everyone! Get out your party hats and enjoy 2 mediocre posts instead of one!

Aw man, I totally forgot. All those party hats waisted. :(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Definitely Cheating but Learned a Trick!

So as I may have mentioned, I'm not the best at using my camera. Most of my pictures end up over or under exposed and let's not even get started on the colours.

But I just discovered a nifty little (super easy) trick for lightening only the darkened parts of an Image. Wich I will share justfor teh lolz:

1. Duplicate your image (command+J)

2. Select your image (command+A)

3. Copy (command+C)

4. Create layer mask (Is there a shortcut for this?!)
< click on this guy

5. Option+Click on the layer mask

6. Paste The image into the layer mask, it'll appear black and white (command+V)

7. Invert the layer mask (command+I)

8. Option+Click on the image thumbnail

9. Set layer to screen (V, Shift+Option+S)

10. Done (I just wanted 10 steps)

You can also re-invert (command+I) the mask and set the layer to multiply (v, Shift+Option+M) to tone down the highlights.

For this image I separately brightened the flowers.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Kind of Not Cheating. . .

Okay so I took the picture yesterday, BUT I edited it today, it was so terribly underexposed and contrasty that although this image isn't great it is a huge improvement.

Happy monday!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Had a fun little photoshoot with my longtime friend.
I've been trying for about an hour to do something interesting with curves but I find myself stumped! I guess that's what I'll be working on for the rest of today.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sitting Still is Hard to Do

So I've discovered why things aren't going so well in photoshop:
You're supposed to work on things for more than 5 minutes.

But at least I'm posting early right! (mainly because I'm sick)

Anyways, it's a super flattering photo of me a took a few years back made sketchy and what not.

Joyous Lördag everyone!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Simplicity is Key

. . . Is my excuse for this one.

black and white (tweaked for better contrast) with a slight tint and vignette.
I think tomorrow I'll make something worthwhile. It's been harder getting back into this than I hoped it would be.

Goodnight to all and a happy fridag!

Oh yes, the font is Chunk Five
which you can get for free on Font Squirrel.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


So uhm I was going to bed and I realized I hadn't done anything.

Day 2 and this is not going well. . .

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Got Something Done!

It's definitely. . . an image?
As I'm sure no one can tell, I haven't done an actual art project in about 2 months so I guess I shouldn't have expected much out of my first re-attempt. Especially since I went in with no plan.

I know it's unbalanced and kind of clunky to look at but I'm not entirely sure why.

(It's supposed to be the jack of a deck of cards)

I hope everyone's had a lovely Onsdag!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I think I'd better start this blog with a bit of an explanation for it's title. As much as I'd love to say it's something meaningful and artsy, it is actually as litteral as I can be in four words.

I love print ads and anything photoshop.
I have been slacking off on practicing art.

I make this blog in the hopes that it will get me to actually get off my hindquarters and do something with the remainder of my time off.
My quest, is to post something photoshop (or maybe photography or drawing, depending on how I feeeeeeeel) related every day for as long as I can keep it up.
Now I'll give you all a moment to recover from the shock, as I am sure this is something that has never before been attempted.

One thing I would love is if I could could get comments, critiques, appraisals, expensive gifts, hugs, godlike reverence or personal view points on any of my work.
Don't be shy to comment, I'm really not that scary! (okay, the elderly occasionally cross the street to get away from me but that could just as easily be from fear of my lap dog!) and quite honestly any view would be much appreciated, everyone has different thoughts on what is "good" and all of them are valuable so tell me or I will hunt you down.

tl;dr version

I need to art.
comment plz.
