Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lazy Kid

Vampire me, sucking the patience out of my parents by begging for a second dog.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So I've missed about a thousand posts.
So here's a png of some birds for anyone to use in anyway they so choose.

I'm having issues remembering what a group of birds is called. It's not a gaggle or a pack or a herd. . . I'll figure this out.

edit: It's called a flock. I remembered :P

Friday, August 26, 2011

Missed a post

I really REALLY really hate painting.
we're supposed to be "experimenting with brush strokes" and I can't get any to show up I don't even know how that's possible. And acrylic paints are quite possibly the worst medium EVER. They have to be like an inch thick on the canvas if you want them to blend AT ALL and they're bloody expensive!
If I ever get the idea to try painting again, someone PLEASE stop me.

and yes I missed a post yesterday. I blame the evil paint.

I have fallen into incoherent insanity thanks to it's stupid evil malevolence!
never. again.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy day

Didn't have time to do a photoshop today but I got some other stuff done!

So here's my day:

Worked on a new painting.

Tried to make a cake, made a mess.
(the tomatoes did not go in the cake)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Painting Class

I've had to finish a painting for my acrylics class so I didn't have time to do a proper post today.
My. Painting. Sucked.
When I finished it I realized that the paper towel I used looked better than my painting.

Blah. Painting is not my thing.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I have a folder of images where I try and replicate the image or effect,
for educational purposes only.
I would never try and pass off someone else's work as my own, that kind of thing is disgusting.

Anyways I liked the typography treatment in this image so i thought I'd give it a try myself.
(original above, mine below)

I've been feeling pretty sick today so this is a bit of a lazy post, I apologize.

edit: fonts I use (bottom image) are Lobster and helvetica bold.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lazy post!

Another unedited photo.

My good friend sarah learning about bear cannibalism.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Something new

So for the first time in a long time, I present to you:

An unedited photo! (the one on the left) The one on the right has a slight blur and vignette but that's it.

Lovely sisters at twilight.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

And now for something completely different

It's funny because it's not.

I've done the same thing for 3 days BUT THIS IS THE LAST!

. . . and by far the creepiest.
<3 you emma

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So I really love painting/ editing photos. A lot.

It's so nice to get out the ol' pen tablet :)

The before and after just to show how I colour corrected the sh*t out of it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Due to Popular request:

(aka my mom asked me to)
My painting/manipulation of me as a creepy fish and creepy animé character.

Just Birds

This is my 'just in case' post. I'm starting a painting class thing today so I'm putting this up for if I don't get the chance to do an actual post.

Also I'm done with drawing, it's too hard.

Monday, August 15, 2011

More drawing, less boobs

So I thought more drawing practice was in order. I've been finding it much easier to draw from other drawings rather than photos so I think that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the day and tomorrow I'll go back to trying to draw from photos.

I know I still have a long way to go but at least I'm trying right?

Happy Lundag!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Only a bit insane

So my house is pretty old and has some chips in the paint. As a kid I'd always look at them and see silhouettes of people and animals and magical-sea-goblins and as my mom's been repairing the house there's been less and less pain chips to look at. So I thought I'd imortalize some of my seeings on the interwebs!

Better than looking at stupid clouds, all I could ever see was mashed potatoes.

(It's a Magical-sea-gargoyle, a pig on a unicycle-motorcycle, and two fish.)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Retouch (And a new favorite font!)

Okay so here's a retouch of a picture I took a few years back of my lovely friend Emma.

The font I used this time is Josefin Slab Light.
I think it works much better for this purpose, as well as this porpoise:

You can download Josefine Slab here

Friday, August 12, 2011

Because Boobs.

So I thought I'd try and practise drawing human proportion off of images again. It's less of a fail then last time, but still quite a ways from a win.
These were all just quick (5-10 min) sketches.
Also boobs.

I really need a scanner.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


PNG of some roses for anyone who might want them for anything.

Also, they'll give you the chance to practice cutting out things properly when someone else fails! So it's like I'm teaching you a valuable skill!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Obsession: Established

So for those who don't know me well, I really really like zombies. I pretty much use photoshop exclusively to make people into zombies. Because I'm cool and have a life.
I started by just adding an x-ray of my post-jaw surgery mouth to an older picture of me but it was boring so I added a bit of texture and did some digital painting. Then I aded the picture of the house and some snow.

For anyone wondering what kind of pen tablet I use, it's a Bamboo fun.
Happy Onsdag and beware of Björns!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Thought I'd make an infographic:

(Fonts are ChunkFive and Helvetica)

Monday, August 8, 2011


Been doing a lot of writing so I thought I'd take a picture of me writing.

Also every amateur blog is required to have at least one post titled 'blah.'
It's a rule.
You can ask the president.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I drew these maybe two months ago? But I put them together today so that's what counts. . . right? These and the last post are honestly all I've done in at least 6 months.

Recently I've been super inspired by van Gogh's sketches. This is probably what that stemmed from.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blunderday Double Post!

I haven't drawn anything in a really long time and I forgot to post yesterday so as punishment I present to you two drawings that will make you rip your eyes out.
But wait you haven't heard the best part! There practice of my two worst subjects:

And Proportion:
MY EYES!!!!!


also my scanner broke so I had to photograph these.
I'm a pro.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Colour Correction

As you have cleverly deduced from the title I have adventured into the exciting world of colour correction.

Also I toned down the image and aded a vignette, because doughnuts should be what reminds us of how cruel and bleak our world can be.


Edit: The white border looks crooked and it's driving me nuts, because of course, it isn't. Silly tricksy brain.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Hotness

Doing that retouch yesterday, as poor and quick as it was, reminded me how much fun photoshop can be.
So here's a sexy picture of me, don't hesitate to put it on your calendars ladies.

And the before

When I learn to operate my camera properly things are going to get intense.

Merry Onsdag!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I actually love retouching. This one isn't great and I'm really out of practice but I just find it all so much fun.

Happy tisdag everyone!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Double post all the way across the outdated references

I practiced with the clone tool. . .

I still suck.
Tomorrow. Looking up tips for this.

Also I thought I'd give all you lovely imaginary readers a texture for you to use in any-which-way you so choose.

Download here